The living way
Human beings have been coexisted with a wide range of Bacteria since ancient times.
In Japan, we use bacteria to produce a various foods such as Soy sauce, Miso, Sake, Pickles, Natto etc…
One of the most famous Bacteria called Lactic Bacteria, which produces Yogurt, was discovered in Bulgaria and helps our everyday life.
In order to maintain our planet the earth, this is a necessity to detect sustainable resources of energy in the discipline of Bio-Technology.
I believe that Yogurt is the way of it, making our future better.
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The most advance pet show
Plastic bottle, Yogurt, plants
A friend of mine met an old man, who travels with a plant of Pumpkin contained into a plastic bottle. He seems that he loves this Pumpkin a lot.
This story made me think that the plant might be his pet. If it is true, that sounds like the most-advanced trend ever.
If you agree with that the definition of pet is not only animals with pedigrees but something alive, and if you fancy even the cutting-edge one, I then recommend you to have a bacteria.
Do you know where the very first bacteria in Bulgaria comes from? It was fallen to the ground from the tree called “ Cornus officials”.
(By the way, you could be a millionaire if you discover the new lactobacillus. )
Perhaps every plant has their own bacteria. Then which plant do you particularly like?
I saw a mountain
material Pillow, Train window, Light, Whit Cheeses
There is a beautiful mountain in Sofia.
I first visited Sofia four years ago. I was impressed by beauty of a mountain. I would like know about name of the beautiful mountain.
I asked name of the mountain to two girls. Girls saw ’ Витоша!’ Then girls looked like there were having boastful.
I have the same feelings as girls. I knew ’ Витоша ’ Bulgarian word of the first time in Sofia.
1 year ago, I stayed another country.
This country without mountains, only hill and large plain. That kind of vast landscape isn't anywhere in my City.One morning, I found a beautiful mountain at the bedside. And then, I thought wanted to go back my hometown.
Water tower art fest 10 Anniversary
16 and 25th of June, 2016 Sofia Bulgaria
NOMURA Faundation 2016